On March 3rd we talked about Spring. Even though the weather wasn't Spring, the kids understood that Spring is the time when the world washes away winter cold and begins the cycle of new life again. We then had a review with all four seasons and what months matched with the seasons. We also read "The Very Hungry Caterpillar", the kids love that story. I believe alot of them have it memorized.

To work on our counting we rehearsed this poem about Caterpillars:
Ten little caterpillars climbing on a vine:
One climbed to high-then there were nine.
Nine little caterpillars crow led out the garden gate:
One got stuck-and then there were eight.
Eight little caterpillars resting on a stone;
One slipped off-now seven are alone.
Seven little caterpillars inched across some sticks:
One couldn't inch so then there were six.
Six little caterpillars eating leaves alive;
One wiggled off the plant-then there were five.
Five little caterpillars crawling on the lane;
A foot went "stomp" and scared one away.
Four little caterpillars climbing up the tree;
One tumbled down-then there were three.
Three little caterpillars wondering what to do;
Along came a bird-then there were two.
Two little caterpillars resting in the sun;
One curled up in a leaf-then there was only one.
One little caterpillars resting all alone;
One day became a butterfly-now she has flown!
On March 5th we talked about Flowers. We examine the parts of a flower. We noticed the differences and similarities of different kinds of flower. Then we colored our own flower.