Sunday, September 21, 2008

Preschool Schedule for October 2008

Field Trip Ideas: Fire Station


Tues. 7th : Safety: Basic safety rules (fire safety, stranger danger, 911, streets, etc.)—be careful to keep it positive, so the kids don’t end up scared


Thurs. 9th : Community Helpers (heroes): fire men, doctors, teachers, etc., role play

Rebecca R.:

Tues. 14th: Christopher Columbus: What did he do? Take a boat ride (in a box or blanket across the floor)…look for land with telescopes, sing songs (Columbus sailed the ocean blue, ocean blue, ocean blue, Columbus sailed the ocean blue in 14-92—to Mary had a little lamb tune), world flat? etc

Thurs. 16th: Basic World Geography: introduce globe, continents, oceans

Fri: 17th: FIELD TRIP: Fire Station (Becca T.)


Tues. 21st : Oceans: basic geography (show on globe), salty vs. fresh water, how big they are, float/sink experiments, ocean life

Thurs. 23rd : Dolphins: have fun learning all about these intelligent creatures


Tues. 28th : Autumn: seasonal changes, trees, pumpkins, etc.

Thurs. 30th : Halloween: fun traditions, games, wear costumes??

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