TIMING (include lunch?): usually 2-3 hours in the morning is the best…maybe 9:30-12:00 or 10-12:30. Lunch is fun to include. (We’ve done 9:30-12:30 the last two years and have really enjoyed that timing)
SICK GUIDELINES: It’s best to just get this out in the open so people don’t have to wonder. Usually mild colds are okay, but what about recent fevers and vomiting? Maybe wait at least 24-48 hours after the symptoms have passed to bring them again.
TEACHER CANCELLATION/SUBS GUIDELINES: Of course your kids can get unexpectedly sick when it’s your turn, but PLEASE take your teaching “job” seriously. Do whatever you can to find a substitute—even if it’s the morning of (someone could come pick up what you’ve prepared). My opinion is that a simple circle time and some books at someone’s house who is filling in is better than cancelling completely. Make sure you call everyone and let them know of any changes.
RULES: Set up some simple standard rules. Rules that are the same at everyone’s house—rules that the teachers AND the kids are aware of. Rules like: 1. no toys in the same room during circle time. 2. If the girls like to play dress up during free play they must keep their regular clothes on underneath—this prevents misplaced articles of clothing and a frantic scramble at pick-up time trying to get them redressed. 3. Never hitting or hurting another person (physically or verbally) Other rules to discuss may include picking up toys or not going outside without asking, etc., Mainly the rules need to be very specific so that they are clearly understood by all.
EXPECTED BEHAVIOR: Everyone should stay seated during circle time—if every teacher not only expects, but enforces it this can be manageable. With children who may not have been in preschool before this may definitely take some training, but again if the expectations are consistent at each person’s home I think that over time that they will learn to sit, participate, and not distract during circle time—which is very good preparation for kindergarten.
EMERGENCY CONTACTS: Gather a list of everyone’s email addresses, cell phone numbers, (for fun include everyone’s birthdays on this list as well) etc. You will want to know how to get a hold of the other moms for emergencies small and large.
CIRCLE TIME: Circle time will be the same set-up from house to house, and is usually held first thing during preschool time. Which things do you want to include in circle time? A helper chart, weather chart, song time, book time, topic introduction, letter or number time, a word of the week, etc????
There are a few different ideas for what you can use for a curriculum, but the main thing is to make it fun fun fun! Use music, art, active movement, books, visuals, and participation as much as possible to teach about your topic. The more ways they assimilate it the better they will have learned it. The internet and the library are great resources!
There will be times that teaching preschool is challenging, but it is truly worth every minute you spend teaching these amazing children. I believe that the efforts we put forth now while they are so young will be great blessings in their lives. I am so excited to have you as one of my child’s teachers and I am grateful for this opportunity to get to know you and your little one.
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