Lara (Group A) Karen (Group B)T-February 2nd: Groundhog's Day--have fun learning about shadows, fun tradition, make cute groundhog treats, groundhog craft (last year's ideas)
Th-4th: Introduce the five senses, focus on sense of touch--Make a five senses book that they will add to through the month as they learn about each sense (ask Lara), this page of the book will have samples of different textures for them to feel and a tracing of their hand, explore your sense of touch, recognizing objects only by touching, finger painting
Katherine (Group A) Jen (Group B)--going to Chuck E Cheese
F-5th: Plain old fashioned play group
Alex (Group A) Deanne (Group B)T-9th: Sense of smell--talk about noses, have them smell things with distinctive odors (vinegar, lemon, chocolate, vanilla, etc), make page for 5 senses book (scratch and sniff stickers or pictures of things they could smell, picture of child pointing to nose)
Th-11th: Sense of taste--talk about tongues and mouths, taste test the four different flavors (bitter {unsweetened chocolate}, sweet {sugar}, salty {salt}, sour {lemon}), then combine the sweet and sour and make lemonade! make a page for five senses book (picture of one of the children sticking out their tongues, pictures of foods (have them practice cutting them out of grocery ads) )
All Preschool Groups--Jana P.
F-12th: Field trip to Krispy Kreme (to use their senses of smell and taste)
Heather (Group A) Jana F (Group B)T-16th: George Washington (President's Day is 2/15)--learn about his bravery, what life was like in colonial days, make corn cakes (a traditional colonial food), teach that he could have been a king, but he wanted America to be free
Th-18th: Sense of sight--play I spy, play hot/cold with blindfold, look at colors, learn about the marvelous eye, light/dark, make page for 5 senses book (picture of child with finger glasses around eyes, pictures of items you can mainly just see (rainbows, clouds, colors, etc).
All Preschool Groups--Mina
F-19th: Belated combined Valentine's Party--take advantage of post-Valentine's sales and enjoy Valentine's snacks, exchange Valentines, etc.
Adelia (Group A) Kylee (Group B)T-23rd: Sense of hearing--talk about ears, play freeze dance (to use their sense of hearing), play loud/soft singing game, make page for 5 senses book ( a picture of child touching his ears, pictures of things you mainly hear (music note, alarm clock, someone whispering, etc)
Th-25th: Helen Keller--teach about all the amazing things she accomplished (all without 2 of her senses), try things that she did (finding your way around a room blindfolded, touching neck softly to feel vibrations of speech, sign language into hands, show them a Braille book), make the last 2 pages of the 5 senses books (their names in Braille (you make the dots with pencil onto cardstock page, then with thumb tacks have them punch through) and a page with the sign language alphabet)
All Preschool Groups--Alex
F-26th: Concert at Jammin Java (or somewhere)???
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