Sunday, September 21, 2008

Preschool Schedule for February 2009

Field Trip Ideas: Dentist office
Mount Vernon (free on President’s Day)


Tues. 3rd : Exploring our 5 senses: try all kinds of fun activities and experiments using each of our senses

Thurs. 5th : Helen Keller (tie in the 5 senses), make their names in Braille, have them feel a Braille page, try sign language, amazing things she overcame, etc.

Becca T.:

Tues. 10th : Bodies: What makes our bodies special?, Taking good care of our bodies

Thurs. 12th: Friendship/love: have fun with Valentine’s day!


Tues. 17th: George Washington (president’s day is 2/16), life in the colonial days, make corn cakes, play old-fashioned game, etc.

Thurs. 19th : Teeth: taking care of them, different types (in humans and animals)

Fri. 20th: FIELD TRIP: Dentist Office (Jana)


Tues. 24th : Inventions: talk about important inventions, what life was like before its invention, make their own invention (with Legos or blocks or something similar)

Thurs. 26th : Musical Instruments: Try different instruments, make a preschool band/parade

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