Monday, September 7, 2009

November 2009

Skills to work on this month (work it into the lessons): Recognizing and writing the #4, recognizing and drawing triangles, practicing "fringing" with scissors and paper

Alex--all preschool groups
T-November 3rd: National Zoo Field Trip (No school due to teacher work day)-

Alex (Group A) Karen (Group B)

Th-5th: Mammals: what makes an animal a mammal, examples of mammals, mammal matching game, (craft ideas) etc.

F-6th: Reptiles--(ideas) characteristics of reptiles, where they live,


Tara (Group A) Jen (Group B)

T-10th: My family tree--who is on it ?(watch slideshow), write letters to grandparent, have parents send in pictures and grandparent addresses, make your own family tree

Th-12th: Native Americans--(here are last year's ideas)--traditions, try some food (like popcorn), make teepees and head bands, make paper bag vests (this is a perfect activity to have them practice their "fringing" skills), bows and arrows

Lara (Group A) Deanne (Group B)

F-13th: Rhythm and Drums--make drums or maracas and have fun dancing around like Indians


Lara (Group A) Deanne (Group B)

T-17th: Pilgrims--why they came, how they got to America, their struggles (have them eat hard biscuits or something else they may have eaten), learning to grow food, Native Americans helping them, make hats?

Th-19th: Gratitude/Thanksgiving--(last year's ideas)--what do we have to be grateful for, how should we show gratitude, why we celebrate Thanksgiving, do something special for someone to show gratitude

Jana F. --all preschool groups
F-20th: Combined preschool Thanksgiving feast--everyone dress up as Pilgrims or Indians and bring a snack to share with everyone else


T-24th: Play Group (if desired)

Th-26th: No School (Thanksgiving Break)

F-27th: No School (Thanksgiving Break)

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