Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Explosive day at preschool!

We had fun learning about volcanoes today! We learned about the earth's crust and the ring of fire and looked at lots of pictures of exploding volcanoes. The kids were all bursting with questions and interesting bits of information that related to volcanoes (kind of). How excited they were when they found out that they got to make their own!

Here they are getting started on building their own volcanoes and arranging tin-foil over the cup and plate.
Then it was on to "decorating" them with rocks, trees, pine cones, and sea shells to resemble Martha's. Too bad I made a defective batch of play dough, so that everyone's but Martha's got to stay metallic.

After finishing our tin and paper volcanoes everyone got to try to eat their own volcano...an overturned waffle cone drizzled with pudding. I thought everyone would be excited by this fun snack, but I don't think anyone was a fan of pudding made with rice milk...so most everyone did not get very far eating them.

Then it was off to "explode" their creations!

Shrieks and laughter accompanied each and every explosion!

Our deck will smell like vinegar for weeks!

How can you beat the expression on Logan's face?

"Uh oh! What happened?" The cup wasn't flush enough with the plate, so it exploded under instead of up.

Everyone showing off their works of art!

What a wonderful group of kids we have!

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