Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Setting Goals Preschool Lesson

By Andrea: Today in preschool we talked about the letter, "G" and goals. We watched a reading of the story, "The Little Engine that Could" and then we talked about what goals area and how we need to work hard to achieve our goals--like the little engine that could.

We talked about President Heber J Grant and how he worked on his baseball skills, his handwriting, and his singing while he was young. Then we practiced the same skills by throwing a ball at a target on the wall, completing some tracing sheets, and practicing a new song, "Families Can Be Together Forever".

Each preschool session we will be working on this song until we master it. We have a big chart to mark off as we learn the song. Also, I have sent home an individual goal chart and some stickers you can use as parts o the goal are achieved. It is up to each individual family to pick a goal for their child to work on. Good luck!

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