On Thursday we talked about dinosaurs and fossils. As the boys arrived I had playdoh with mini dino figures out to play with. Allen made a volcano with his playdoh, Berkeley buried his dinos in the playdoh, and the other boys had fun making dino tracks in the playdoh.

The boys were very enthusiastic about this topic, so it was easy to get their attention. In fact, during circle time I couldn't get them to stop looking at all the dinosaur books I had. They loved looking at all the different kinds of pictures.
After circle time we read a couple stories and then did some personal "reading" by looking at a book for 2 min. before having to pass it along to the next person. This was an activity that Andrea did before and it worked really well with the boys. Ten minutes had passed before we even knew it!
We talked about how dinos lived a very long time ago and about the different kinds - big, little, sharp teeth, flat teeth, long necks, short legs, walk on all fours, walk on only 2 legs like us, hatch from eggs and so on.
We made fun dino pictures using foamie stickers. The boys worked on these for a long time.
They couldn't make up their minds where to sit and they got the blankets out by themselves. It was cute to watch them. =)
While we were watching the video we couldn't believe that dinos invaded the upstairs. We had to go on a dino hunt and the boys found 2 dinos each that were trying to hide.
We talked about the different dinos they found, their names and characteristics. Each boy picked one dino to show us and tell about. Then we pretended to be that dino.
We continued with a story about fossils and where they come from. Then we got to be Paleantologists ourselves and dig some mini dinos out of ice. Our fingers got cold, but eventually we got those dinos out.
We ended with some pages from our workbooks - letters C and D.
It was a fun day and great to see all the boys so enthusiastic about a topic.
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