We talked a lot about the letter S today. We noticed that two of the days of the week start with S - S is everywhere!
S is for
Stories, some were fiction and some non-fiction:

This book was one of the best non-fiction books I could find related to the topic. We practiced breathing as slowly as the hibernating bat and woodchuck in the book.

This one comes as a kit in the library with a CD. Very cute, worth checking out.

And this was one of the favorites. There were transparency pages inside and a little musical button we each got to push at the end.

And of course, you can't read books about snow without reading this classic. Gavin thought this story was believable until we got to the part where the bear crawled in the mitten, and then he decided it must be pretend.
S is for
snow.Then we made some snow. We scooped and measured and experimented with making snow starting with blue water.

S is for

Seven little snowmen fat
Each with a funny hat
The sun came out and melted one
What a sad thing was that!
Rachel knows her facts; she could figure out the difference each time without even counting the remaining snowmen!
Then we made our gift snowballs. The kids chose to put
gems inside the
soapballs. Here's Gavin counting his. He needed lots because "my mom REALLY likes diamonds!". A few kids chose to practice printing S instead of playing with the goopy soap.

Preschool can be
SO educational! Just ask Daniel what he learned J/K :)
Ellie had such a fun time at your house this week. As always, I love all your creative ideas!
Oops, that last comment was really from me. I was logged into my sister's account and forgot to log out.
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