Thursday, December 10, 2009

service with a smile

More fun at preschool went like this:
  • writing sheets -- numbers, "s" and silly snake poem (finding the letter "s" and dotting them)
  • playdough ("making cookies, "making playdough sausage," "making playdough snowmen," are things the boys said as they played)
  • Show and Tell and Who's turn to share?" song. Each person had a chance to be in front and present something to share. The boys did an excellent job at presenting and listening to each other. After each item was presented as a group we sounded out each item to determine what letter it started with. (The boys were good at this!)
  • Listening to the "Ant Story" and the personalities of each of the ant siblings (dilig-ant, persist-ant, obedi-ant, pleas-ant, observ-ant, and last serv-ant)
  • Learning a "Service With a Smile" song and putting on a show (holding up the letters S-E-R-V-I-C-E to spell service)
  • Reading "The Doorbell Rang" by Pat Hutchins (a book about sharing cookies). While we read this book we made Friendship Fudge -- the ingredients were in a bag and each person took turns squishing the bag to mix it up. Each time the page of the story turned, they passed the bag. We talked about how service is helping others and we all have to take turns helping... At the end we got a delicious treat!
  • All the boys brought ingredients to make another treat (Gooey Yummy) and we made that after the story. They decorated the plates and each took home a BIG treat (cereal goo and fudge) to SHARE with their families.

Here are the recipes...

Gooey Yummy

2 cubes of butter, 1 cup Karo syrup, 2 cups brown sugar -- boil 6 minutes. Add can of sweetened condensed milk and stir for 2 minutes. Add a box of Corn Pops. Stir. Spread on a sheet and let cool.

Friendship Fudge

In a gallon ziplock bag add the following: 4 cups powdered sugar, 3 oz. cream cheese, 1/2 cup butter, 1/2 cup cocoa, 1 tsp. vanilla, 1/2 cup nuts (I left this out because of peanut allergies), 1 cup mini marshmallows.

Mix together by squeezing the bag as it is passed around the group. (Hint: double bag the mixture and soften the butter and cream cheese).

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