We started the day by looking at a book that was all about horses and discussing why horses were important in the past and what we use them for now. The kids liked finding out what all the horse parts were called: mane, tail, frog, hoof, forelock, etc.
We talked also about what horses eat - hay, grains, apples, carrots. We then made a treat for ourselves out of some "horse food" - oatmeal! The kids love cooking and everyone wanted to help stir and put in ingredients. Thankfully I'd premeasured them!

While the Oatmeal Bars (cut in the shape of rectangles) cooked, we did a book swap with the horse books. The kids seemed to really like this and it focused them on looking at the book they had instead of all clamoring for the same book.

Next we read a book about a little girl who has a horse (I returned it to the library and can't remember the title...) and how she takes care of it. That led us to practicing our cutting skills by making a barn for a horse. Dan and Gavin really got into this craft and wanted to get it all perfect before they'd move on to the next activity.

We discussed horse teeth and how they need to be taken care of. The kids were surprised that horses need to see the dentist too! We looked up some pretty hilarious horse teeth pictures on google images, which made the kids crack up.
We then made horse masks, attached some yarn tails and galloped around the room to some fun music! I would call out "giddyup!" to go, and "whoa!" for them to stop. If I wanted them to go really fast, I'd call out "gee!"

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