Tuesday, January 26, 2010

I Am a Child of God

While we missed Ellie, we had a good day at preschool, talking about who we are. We read from Old Testament Stories about our pre-earth life, but of course these kids already knew all that. They are super smart, and have been paying attention in primary the past couple weeks :)

We also talked about January's shape and number. We added dots on multiple number cubes to make six.

Spotlights. My goal was to have each child walk away from preschool having been reminded once again of how special he/she is. But after listening to their conversations, I realized that each one of these kids had a healthy self-esteem already. It was sure fun for me though, to learn of talents and stories about these kids. Like who would have guessed that Daniel is a cook? Or that Matthew is so protective of his younger brothers? That Maylie was born a month early, or that Simone likes to tell jokes? That Rachel is such a good little mother hen to her *babies*, or that Gavin is a snuggler?

Wouldn't you feel pretty special, sitting in our fanciest chair decorated with Christmas lights, being applauded by your preschool friends?!

We traced

and colored our bodies and talked about how we are created in Heavenly Father's image. Daniel worked really hard on his for about 45 minutes and wouldn't let me see it because it was a *surprise*.

And we looked for rectangles around the house. We found light switches, computer screens, paper, windows, drawers and so many other rectangular things. We colored rectangle pictures and brainstormed r-r-r words.

Here's a slide show the kids watched. Hopefully the truths from this song sunk deep into their minds and hearts.

Aren't these just the cutest kids ever?!

1 comment:

Lara said...

That was a beautiful slide show! Ellie was enraptured. It sounds like it was a wonderful day of preschool that I'm sad Ellie had to miss.