Here's Rachel practicing dialing 9-1-1. We reviewed when it's ok to dial 9-1-1, but you might want to go over that one at your house again :).

Daniel and Rachel in their firetrucks. Matthew was more in the mood to move his truck than pose for a picture. And sweet Maylie was finishing up decorating cookies for our firemen who keep us safe.

This week, Ellie has proven that you can do ANYTHING in a ballgown, including drive firetrucks.

Hurry, hurry!

I let our pet bird, Repeat, out during preschool. He was scared of fire, so the kids helped him know what to do. Matthew demonstrated *Get low and go*; Daniel showed Repeat how to *Stop, Drop, and Roll*; Rachel taught Repeat to dial 9-1-1; Ellie told Repeat that he should help his family make a plan for where to meet, and Maylie told Repeat to feel a door before opening it if your fire alarm has gone off. Man, I wish my memory was as good as these kids'!
1 comment:
What a fun day at preschool they had. That cardboard firetruck has been a HUGE hit at our house!
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