Tuesday, October 13, 2009

seven sailors sailed the sea

Using the theme of Christopher Columbus and the letter "s", we learned/did the following things at preschool today:

  • introduced ourselves singing "bumpity bumpity yellow bus, can you please say your name for us?" while slapping our knees and clapping our hands

  • learned how to "freeze" to the bell so we could listen to the next set of directions

  • played copycat

  • read a story about Christopher Columbus

  • recited the three ships' names (Nina, Pinta, Santa Maria) to a snapping beat

  • talked about how the world is round

  • played a rolling game with the world globe ball

  • found (on the globe) where we live on Earth and where Columbus sailed

  • made spyglasses and sailor hats

  • "built" a ship (used markers to draw the windows and designs on it) out of enormous cardboard boxes

    • talked about the "S" (the sound it makes, how to draw the letter, and we named things that start with that letter)

    • mentioned shapes and drew squares in the air with our fingers

    • played hot and cold game to "discover" (like Columbus) where the Halloween spider was hiding

    • used scissors and made a word wheel for the "ip" family (shape of a ship)

    • played with puzzles, learned a Halloween monologue, and a pumpkin song

    • practiced reading our "ip" word wheels. Some told their moms when they came to pick them up, "Mom! I can read!"

    We had a super time! So long!

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